One Lawton


About the Plan

About the Plan

​​One Lawton will provide a guiding framework for the community’s future – a vision for Lawton’s next 25 years.

What is the Plan?

One Lawton will update the City’s existing Land Use Plan 2030. It will set a vision for the community’s growth and provide a blueprint to achieve that future through actionable steps. The plan will be an official City policy guide, helping direct decisions regarding land use, development, quality of life, etc. In essence, it will help determine how Lawton should be as it grows in the coming decades.

Who is involved in the Plan?

You! While a steering committee of Lawton stakeholders is helping guide development of the plan. This plan will be driven by community engagement. That means your voice matters and we want to hear from you. We will have multiple avenues and opportunities for public engagement throughout the process. Visit the “Get Involved"🔗 page for more details.

What is included in the Plan?
One Lawton will first and foremost address the future land use in the City. The plan won’t dictate or provide recommendations for specific building projects. The full project scope will be linked here as soon as it is available.